LGBTQ Crisis Hotlines and Services

oSTEM is committed to supporting all of our members across all spectrums of diversity. We recognize that our LGBTQIA+ community faces mental health conditions just like the rest of the population. However, LGBTQIA+ people may experience more negative mental health outcomes due to prejudice and other biases.

Here is a short list of LGBTQIA+ support resources you may find helpful.

THRIVE Lifeline

If you’re experiencing a mental health crisis and need to chat with a qualified LGBTQIA+ crisis responder, our partners at THRIVE Lifeline are here for you.

THRIVE Lifeline's text based crisis hotline brings together experienced suicide interveners partnered with oSTEM to help keep you safe during times of acute mental health crises. If you are not in an acute crisis, but are dealing with stress as you navigate identity, orientation, or barriers to academic and professional entry, THRIVE can help! Together, we are here to support your whole-self and we’re happy to help you during these troubling times.

Contact information

Text oSTEM to +1 (313) 662-8209 anytime, from anywhere or visit the Thrive Lifeline website to learn more.

Thrive Lifeline is available 24/7/365. You must be 18 years or older.

The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project is a non-judgmental hotline for those 25 years old and below with LGBTQ-sensitive trained counselors you can contact through a call, text, or chat during a mental health crisis and/or suicidal thoughts.

Contact information


Talk and be heard at the SAGE LGBT Elder Hotline. Older LGBT people who want to talk can be connected with friendly responders who are ready to listen. If you are an LGBT elder or care for one, call the free SAGE Hotline, toll-free 24/7.

Contact information

Call 877-360-LGBT (5428) (available 24/7).

Trans Lifeline

A 24/7 hotline available in the U.S. and Canada staffed by transgender people for transgender people. Trans Lifeline is primarily for transgender people in a crisis, from struggling with gender identity to thoughts of self-harm.

Contact information

GLBT National Help Center

The GLBT National Help Center provides telephone, online chat, and email peer-support. They speak with callers of all ages about bullying, workplace issues, HIV/AIDS anxiety, coming out, relationships, safer sex, and more. They also have a massive resource database for social and support groups, gay-friendly religious organizations, sports, leagues, student groups, and more.

Contact information

  • Call the toll-free national hotline at +1 (888) 843-4564 (available MondayFriday from 4pm12am ET; Saturday from 12pm5pm)
  • Call the youth talkline at +1 (800) 246-7743 (for teens and young adults up to age 25; available MondayFriday from 4pm12am ET; Saturday 12pm5pm ET)
  • Access the online peer-support chat for one-on-one, confidential peer support (available MondayFriday from 4pm12am ET, Saturday 12pm5pm ET; not for casual chatting)
  • Join the Trans Teens Online Talk Group, a weekly moderated group for trans teens ages 1219
  • Call the Gay & Lesbian Switchboard of New York at +1 (212) 989-0999 for peer-support and information on local resources (available MondayFriday 4pm12am ET, Saturday 12pm5pm ET)

Fenway Health Helpline

Fenway Health provides information, help, and referrals to LGBT callers. They also have a peer listening line.

Contact information

Addiction Resources

Recognizing the signs of addiction is the first step to getting help for yourself or guiding someone you care about to rehab. For this reason, it is critical to have an understanding of the signs of addiction. There are behavioral, physical, and psychological signs of addiction. Read more about the causes, resources, & treatment of addiction.

Pride Institute

Chemical dependency/mental health referral and information hotline for the LGBTQ community, ages 18 and above.

Contact information

Non-LGBTQ Specific Crisis Resources

National Runaway Switchboard

Hotline for runaway/homeless youth and their families.

Contact information

Crisis Text Line

Crisis Text Line serves anyone, in any type of crisis, providing access to free, 24/7 support via a medium people already use and trust: text.

Contact information

  • Text HOME to 741741 (available 24/7)