Grad School Application Funding

What is this?

oSTEM and Queer in AI are working to end application and test fees as a barrier to queer STEM scholars applying to graduate programs. Queer students and scholars are underrepresented and marginalized within STEM fields. Applying to graduate schools typically costs many hundreds of dollars which poses a major barrier to queer students, who are disproportionately affected by economic hardship. Queer students are often forced to apply to a very limited number of schools, take out costly loans, or not apply at all.

Apply for financial assistance

The Graduate Applications Financial Aid Program will provide up to $750 per individual to cover application or test fees for queer people applying to STEM graduate programs. Applicants from all countries are welcomed. This year's program will close on June 1st, 2021.

To apply, click the link below and create a Financial Aid submission.

How can I support this program?

We are accepting donations to support this program!

Application review program

We are also launching our graduate admissions application review program.

Queer grad applicants are often unsure how to discuss their identities in their personal statements and other application materials. By connecting students with queer researchers in their fields, we hope to provide expert feedback on all parts of grad applications.

If you'd like to have your application reviewed, please submit an Application Review request.

If you've successfully applied to graduate schools in the past and would like to like to help review submissions, please fill out this form.